
staff survey

Dr. Dirk Kratz, Leader of “Therapieverbund Ludwigsmühle” (Germany), provides a summary of the staff questionnaire evaluation so far in the project’s final LTTA. The questionnaire was developed in working groups and delivered in each country by Handle it! participants. This enabled us to learn more about employee inquiries and perspectives on NPS issues. The questionnaire provides insight into NPS best practices, existing staff knowledge, and how NPS work could be improved further.

Outpatient therapy that incorporates the social environment

Luca Timar (social worker at “Megálló Csoport Alaptvány”) discusses the current state of offerings for drug users’ social environments (e.g. spouse, husband, parents, children) in her facility. She reports on clientele who are becoming younger by the day. As a result, it is becoming increasingly vital to integrate clients’ social environments and families in outpatient therapy and preventative programs.

Families and co-dependency

Julian Kindermann and Laura Vatrova of “Therapiesalon im Wald” discuss the need of integrating family members in inpatient therapy programs to educate/inform them about NPS and co-dependency.

NPS and Social Environment

What options exist for involving family in therapeutic services, and how may the coordination and knowledge of appropriate social support services be improved in the future?

Social environment in therapy and prevention

Participants from the partner organization “IREFREA Portugal” gave a presentation on the strategies and services they provide in their facility for family participation in inpatient rehabilitation and prevention, as well as how the COVID epidemic has affected their work.

Keynote Input from Comunità di Venezia

Project participants Stefania Zennaro and Federica Ferraro of the host organization “Comunità di Venezia Società Cooperativa Sociale” discuss how they incorporate the social environment in treatment procedures at the opening of the 5th LTTA in Venice, Italy. They present their organization’s various therapy offerings and discuss the growing number of clients that employ NPS.

NPS und psychoses

Daniel Neto (psychiatrist and director of “SESARAM”, psychiatric service in Madeira) discusses the growing number of patients suffering from psychoses caused by NPS use.

New Psychoactive Substances: situation in madeira

Sérgio Cunha from the UCAD Madeira team (Operational Unit for Interventions on Addictive Behaviours and Dependence), discusses the on-site preventative care structure and provides insight into the national survey on drug use in the Portuguese population. He also discusses earlier initiatives against NPS as well as the current situation in Madeira.

Public service for pathological addictions

The project participants of the partner organisation “Comunità di Venezia Società Cooperativa Sociale” report on their prevention programmes and on the current situation of NPS in Italy.